Jan Friis Bentzen
What is life - is it an experience?
It excites me to see life, work and all types of engagements as experiences, to connect the dots in a digital context, and to learn and use my experiences to do just that.
If life is an experience, then the fascination of creating a great customer experience makes perfect sense. The urge for digital transformation makes sense and the changing of the whole conception of what, where and how anything and everything can connect with anything and give valuable insight makes perfectly sense.
I am fascinated by the vast possibilities of the digital age and the possibilities to explore and connect man, societies, cultures, behavior patterns, mindsets, technologies and philosophies. I am deeply taken by all these, their impact on the world of today and the opportunity to guide all these to create joyful, creative and highly effective communities.
I want to empower you so that you yourself can take part in creating great communities, and in making strong and creative businesses. Businesses that have a positive influence on the world.
My words will be colored by the experiences I have gained from my many years of working with digital transformation, agile methodologies, LEAN, leadership, digitalization, technologies, processes and organizational change.
From studies in STS (science-technology-society-studies), ICT & Organizational change, AI & the perception of human knowledge representation & reasoning, History of Ideas & Cyberspace, Biology and a variety of talks, trainings and conferences.
But most of all, they will be colored by my constant strive for understanding the bits in the digital world and making them accessible for you.
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