Judy (Junte and Diety) Lohman is a writers couple from Holland, active since 2007.
Like the British couple Nicci French, they write literary thrillers, but also novels and travel books. Moreover they write columns and articles for several magazines and newspapers. They publish their eBooks on www.amazon.com, and also Dutch sites like www.ebook.nl and www.bol.com .
Diety Lohman was born and raised in Friesland, the northern part of the Netherlands. As a child she lived on a farm in this remote and sparsely populated area. She studied Economics (with honors) at the University of Amsterdam. After her studies she worked as a consultant at Ernst & Young and later on as a manager in the non-profit sector. Her motto?
'Writing together? We should have started much earlier.'
Junte Lohman was born as the son of a painter, and grew up in a small forester's cottage, together with his elder brother. He studied sociology at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam and, as a Harkness Fellow, City Planning at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In America he worked as a transportation planner. After returning to the Netherlands he became a partner at a Dutch management consulting firm and later on the director of a Charity Organization.
His motto?
'Writing is like sculpting with words and reminds me of my father's work as a painter.'
The couple spends six months a year travelling in a nine meter long converted truck, thus finding peace and quiet, and inspiration to write their books.
Their first literary thriller "Project Eva", written in Dutch, was published by Archipel/Arbeiderspers in 2009. Since then they publish their books through Uitgeverij Logion
Spannende, semi-autobiografische roman over intriges en machtsmisbruik.
Eva Berger heeft het energiebedrijf Synlec uit de rode cijfers gehaald en omgevormd tot een gezonde onderneming. Ze heeft alle reden de toekomst vol vertrouwen tegemoet te zien. Dan wordt Mineta Dusa aangesteld als nieuwe bestuursvoorzitter. Vanaf dag één lijkt deze vrouw maar één doel voor ogen te hebben: Eva het werken onmogelijk maken.
Alles wat Eva doet of zegt, wordt verdraaid en tegen haar gebruikt. Plotseling staat haar hele leven op losse schroeven - niet alleen haar succesvolle carrière, maar ook de loyaliteit van haar medewerkers en medebestuurders. Als ook haar huwelijk onder druk komt te staan en zij haar huis dreigt te verliezen, knapt er iets in Eva. Ze weigert zich neer te leggen bij zoveel onrecht. Maar zal ze het redden? Laat ze zich verslaan?
Title : Project Eva
EAN : 9789063055561
Publisher : Judy Lohman
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