The Nuclear Threat of 2023 is a thought-provoking and eye-opening book that explores the terrifying possibility of a nuclear catastrophe in the near future. With the rise of global tensions and the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the world is facing unprecedented risks that demand urgent attention. This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the dangers posed by nuclear weapons, including the threat of accidental or intentional use, as well as the environmental and humanitarian consequences of a nuclear detonation. It also offers a roadmap for disarmament and a vision for a safer, more peaceful world. Drawing on interviews with experts, policy makers, and activists, The Nuclear Threat of 2023 is an urgent call to action for anyone concerned about the future of humanity.
Title : The Nuclear Threat of 2023: Understanding the Risks and Working Towards Disarmament
EAN : 9798215388389
Publisher : Michael Ferguson
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