The Ultimate Psychological Showdown
In this gripping psychological thriller, a renowned psychologist, a seasoned detective, a forensic expert, a psychiatrist, a psychology professor, and a high-IQ mental patient are drawn into a deadly game of wits. The story centers around their intense psychological battles with a notorious serial killer who exhibits severe schizophrenia while in prison.
The novel delves into the depths of the human mind, exploring themes of deep hypnosis, subconscious retaliation, and the eerie concept of replicated spaces. It also tackles various psychological disorders such as infinite phobia, paraphilia, and dissociative identity disorder.
This novel encapsulates a wide range of abnormal psychological states and offers readers a glimpse into the fascinating and often terrifying world of psychological professionals.
The Ultimate Psychological Showdown series has 4 parts, the first season has two parts, and the second season has two parts
Title : The Ultimate Psychological Showdown season 1
EAN : 9798223238997
Publisher : ken seng
The eBook The Ultimate Psychological Showdown season 1 is in ePub format
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