Heavenly Hell Series
"Abraxas" follows the gripping journey of a young boy with mysterious powers, abandoned at a church as an infant and raised in isolation. As he grows up, Abraxas experiences unsettling supernatural transformations and a deep sense of disconnection. His life takes a turn when he is adopted by a loving family and starts anew in Suffolk, Virginia. Despite the fresh start, he struggles with the lingering effects of his powers and the darkness they might bring. In high school, Abraxas finds solace in football and forms close friendships, but his abilities continue to cause concern. A chance encounter with Jess, a girl who faces turmoil due to her abusive boyfriend Kyle, thrusts Abraxas into a moral and supernatural conflict. When Kyle's cruelty escalates, Abraxas's powers manifest in a dramatic and fearsome way, confronting Kyle and rescuing Jess. The novel explores themes of identity, isolation, and the struggle between good and evil, blending elements of supernatural intrigue with the emotional depth of personal redemption and the search for belonging.
PART ONE: Beneath the Surface
PART TWO: Coming soon!
Title : Heavenly Hell
EAN : 9798224632398
Publisher : Talon Wren
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