عن المؤلف
خليل الطحان كاتب سوري. ولد في دمشق عام 1984 ودرس الحقوق في جامعة دمشق قبل أن يضطر إلى الهجرة بسبب الحرب. يكتب الروايات والشعر، ويعبر من خلال كلماته عن مشاعره وتجاربه وآماله. له روايتين منشورتين هما:
نبوءة الشتاء الأبدي و دموع الملائكة
وديوانان شعريان هما: قبل أن تهدروا دمي و يوميات جرح دمشقي
بالإضافة لعدة أعمال مترجمة للإنجليزية.
كما أنه يعمل على الانتهاء من عدة روايات أخرى.
كتاباته مستوحاة من ظروف الحياة القاسية والحرب واللجوء والحزن.
وهو كاتب تخرج من مدرسة الحزن وقسوة الحياة، ويسعى من خلال أعماله إلى نشر السلام والمحبة والأمل.
يمكنكم التواصل معه عبر البريد الإلكتروني
: khalil4love@hotmail.com
ويمكن أن تجدوا قائمة كاملة لكتبه من خلال الرابط التالي:
This novel intertwines religions, spirituality, and philosophy.
Dear reader, regardless of your belief, religion, culture, or even if you are secular, I promise you that you will be astonished by this novel, and your life will change after reading it. I promise that its details will remain etched in your memory for life. I also promise that the name Lilith will be forever engraved in your mind.
Dear reader,
Welcome to the pages of this novel, which represents a deep personal and intellectual journey for me. It is among the latest and finest work I have ever written. As you delve into the strange and mysterious realms of this story, I would like to share a secret that may seem unfamiliar but is profoundly meaningful to me.
This novel was the result of mysterious flows of inspiration; it was not merely a product of my conscious mind, but rather ideas flowed into my mind as if sent from a supernatural world, from a hidden place whose source I do not know. During the writing process, I felt as though I was merely a conduit for visions and concepts that transcended the limits of my knowledge and understanding of the world.
This hidden inspiration led me to construct parallel worlds where lost souls meet and nightmares become tangible realities. The worlds you will read about here may be more than mere fiction; they are a reflection of a truth that might exist within the folds of the universe, beyond the scope of our ordinary vision.
I invite you to open your heart and mind as you read, to experience this spiritual and intellectual journey with me, and to allow yourself to question the source of creativity and whether there are hidden forces guiding us toward discovering deeper truths about our existence. Perhaps, within these pages, you too may find a glimmer of inspiration that transcends the boundaries of this world.
I wish you an enjoyable journey filled with reflection and inquiry.
With warm regards,
Poet and Novelist:
Khalil Altahhan
Title : Lilith: Angel of the Abyss
EAN : 9798227093363
Publisher : khalil altahhan
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