"Echoes of Obsession" is a gripping psychological thriller that delves deep into the shadows of the human psyche. Set between the bustling streets of the city and the eerie quiet of a remote forgotten town, the novel follows detectives Emily and James as they unravel the dark and twisted secrets surrounding the murder of a young woman. With an omniscient narrator guiding readers through the intricate web of lies, deception, and obsession, the story explores the depths of human desire and the lengths people will go to protect their darkest secrets. As Emily and James confront their own inner demons while navigating the treacherous terrain of the criminal underworld, "Echoes of Obsession" is a haunting tale of love, betrayal, and the lingering echoes of past traumas that shape our lives in unexpected ways.
Title : Echoes of Obsession
EAN : 9798227353955
Publisher : Century Books
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