Pantalla :
VERITÀ INTERIORE E ASPRE BATTAGLIE! In seguito agli eventi raccontati in Dark Web, Eddie Brock sembra sparito dalla faccia della Terra mentre aveva le sembianze del brutale Bedlam. Il primo e originale...
The great Islamic Dynasties of the Mediterranean are the protagonists of this book, together with their fascinating artistic and cultural legacy. Thirty-nine scholars, museum curators and experts in cultural...
Die großen islamischen Dynastien des Mittelmeerraums mit ihrem faszinierenden künstlerischen und kulturellen Erbe sind die Protagonisten dieses Buches. 39 Wissenschaftler, Museumskuratoren und Experten...
En même temps que leur fascinant héritage artistique et culturel, les grandes dynasties islamiques de la Méditerranée sont les protagonistes de ce livre. 39 chercheurs, conservateurs de musée et spécialistes...
This handbook is a concise yet complete guide to fundamental engineering requirements and quality characteristics that users, developers, and marketers of mobile applications should be aware of. It provides...
The transatlantic slave trade is one of the most shameful chapters in human history. Between 1500 and 1900 it's estimated that around 12 million African men, women, and children were stolen from their...
This book deals with the history of photography.Photography is closely allied to nature’s painting, for just as light brings into existence nature’s living beauties, so does light fix, preserve, and perpetuate...
Le témoignage inédit de Lubna Ahmad Al-Hussein, la pasionaria soudanaise qui a risqué 40 coups de fouet pour avoir porté un pantalon et choisi de lutter pour les droits des femmes....
In the shadowy streets of New York City, a mysterious figure emerges—the Hooded Detective. With his keen intellect and unwavering determination, he unravels the city's most perplexing crimes, leaving...
Le poète, selon Goethe, atteint au plus haut degré de l’art lorsqu’il rivalise avec la réalité, c’est-à-dire lorsque ses tableaux sont tellement animés par l’esprit, que chacun croit les avoir sous les...
Ce livre est le deuxième d’une série sur la céramique de l’âge du Bronze en Syrie. Il fait suite au premier volume paru en 2002 sur la Syrie du Sud et la Syrie centrale (BAH 161) et reprend, pour la zone...
Plongez au coeur de la pensée spirituelle islamique avec 100 citations et proverbes soufi. Des enseignements des grands maîtres et des poètes mystiques, Al-Alawi, Attar, Ibn Arabi, Kharaqânî, Rûmî et...
"Pourquoi le monde musulman fait-il si peu de place aux sciences?", "Une fois rigide en la vérité absolue et littérale du contenu d'un livre censé contenir les pensées divines est-elle compatible avec...
LA RIVINCITA CHE TUTTI ASPETTAVANO. O FORSE NO? Hulk è indebolito, solo, in fuga, l’ombra di se stesso. Che succederà quando la Cosa entrerà nel mondo dell’Immortale Hulk? Intanto, i diabolici piani del...
LA GALASSIA NON HA PIÙ BISOGNO DI GUARDIANI MA DI SUPER EROI! È un periodo turbolento, lassù nello spazio. Stanno sorgendo nuove minacce, e sono tornati persino gli dei dell’Olimpo, più arrabbiati che...
L’ALBA DI UNA NUOVA ERA E UNA GRANDE UNIONE! In storia, spesso si dice che i grandi imperi si forgino attraverso alleanze strategiche e campagne militari efficienti. Il nuovo, grande impero Kree-Skrull...
The Austrian organisation, Dar al Janub - Union for Antiracism and Peace Policy, conducted a number of visits to Palestine between 2006 and 2017. After organising an international conference in Vienna,...
»Nichts ist eines Kulturvolkes unwürdiger, als sich ohne Widerstand von einer verantwortungslosen und dunklen Trieben ergebenen Herrscherclique 'regieren' zu lassen. Ist es nicht so, dass sich jeder ehrliche...
È adorabile, è bravo con i bambini ed è disponibile per riunioni aziendali! Prima c’era un altro Hulk – quello che faceva tutte quelle minacce sulla fine del mondo. Ma a chi serve, ora che c’è il vero...
Ha una fortezza sotterranea. Ha degli alleati potenti. Ha persino dei seguaci. Ha tutto ciò che gli serve per dichiarare guerra alla società degli umani. Bruce Banner è l’uomo più pericoloso della Terra!...
What do Dizzy Dean, Catfish Metkovich, John Boccabella, Bill Buckner, Mark Prior, and Kevin Hart all have in common? They all wore number 22 for the Chicago Cubs, even though seven decades have passed...
Our world is a dynamic and fascinating place. Differing societies, economies and climates shape narratives and experiences wherever one can explore or visit. Past or present, the world is always evolving...
This blessed book explains the meaning of true happiness, which is the ultimate goal of humans in this world. Everyone is chasing happiness, but few are fully aware of what it is and where it comes from....
This famous explanation of the Quran is the work of the outstanding Islamic judge of the past Jalalu-Din Al Mahalli which was completed by his student Jalalu-Din As-Sayuti. Hence the term Jalaalayn, meaning...
Inspired by Voltaire’s advice that a text needs to be concise to have real influence, this anthology contains fiery extracts by forty eighteenth-century authors, from the most famous philosophers of the...
Environmental Microbiology: Advanced Research and Multidisciplinary Applications focus on the current research on microorganisms in the environment. Contributions in the volume cover several aspects of...
Both Muslims and non-Muslims see women in most Muslim countries as suffering from social, economic, and political discrimination, treated by law and society as second-class citizens subject to male authority....
"Volem Viure Al Païs" (je veux vivre au Pays), est un mouvement occitan autonome regroupant 31 départements occitans, du Limousin à la Méditerranée et de l’Atlantique aux Alpes, qui dénonce toutes les...
Le mot civilisation est moderne. Il n’apparaît guère dans la langue française qu’à la fin du xviiiè siècle. On ne l’a reçu dans le dictionnaire de l’Académie qu’à partir de 1835. Et pourtant, aujourd’hui...
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