Pantalla :
On n'oublie jamais la première fois que l'on voit un Dieu. Les Dieux sont toujours magnifiques. Et les Dieux sont toujours morts.2367, aux confins de la galaxie. Dans ce futur lointain, l'humanité a épuisé...
11 millions de proches aidants en France - qu'il s'agisse de membres de la famille, de voisins ou d'amis -, qui possédent un statut peu reconnu mais primordial, et un nombre qui ne cesse...
A maior parte das pessoas está desatenta à vigilância permanente exercida por corporações e Estados por meio das novas tecnologias, que se tornaram onipresentes em nossas vidas. Acredita-se que os cidadãos...
This book reveals the intricacies of the modern relationships between the nations of the Global North and those of the Global South. It showcases the damages done to the nations of the South by the arrogance...
Du’a (prayer or supplication) is worship Allah loves to be asked, and He encourages us to make Du'a in all things. Allah is angry with the one who does not ask of Him and He encourages His slaves to...
A?l?q al-waz?rayn (trad. “L’indole dei due ministri”) è un libello scritto probabilmente sul finire del X sec. d.C., ispirato alla lunga permanenza dell’autore, Ab? ?ayy?n al-Taw??d?, alla corte dei due...
Is it fantasy or a wondrous mix of reality and circumstance? Who carried Shaheen through time to a galaxy far from ours? Shaheen's interest in science, to know the fourth and fifth dimensions and their...
When the sky thundered and the rain fell in the desert, Lina's grandmother knew that the desert truffles were done growing, and were just waiting for somebody to find them. Lina was so excited to go out...
365 selected hadiths for a fulfilled life as a Muslim - hadiths for every day of the year.Hadiths are collections of traditions containing statements and actions of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and the statements...
Die Welt steht am Rande der Dunkelheit, wo der Dunkle Anführer Zorathis und seine außerweltlichen Elzari-Kräfte die Menschheit manipulieren und Chaos, Hunger und Korruption verbreiten. Von der Kontrolle...
This book deals with the history of Victoria Falls, one of the most imposing phenomena of the world, the remarkable feature of the river Zambezi in Central Africa.The Falls were named by David Livingstone...
The Sermon of Jesus Christ on the Mount contains certain features which are fundamental in all of his teaching. The nature of the Kingdom of God is set forth in this great discourse. One difficulty arises...
Though professing philosophy as his guide in life and following her rule, Marcus Aurelus makes no pretence to learning or wisdom for himself. “I have learned from my grandfather Verus : the lessons of...
What is the explanation of the fact that people use things that stupefy them: vódka, wine, beer, hashish, opium, tobacco, and other things. Why did the practice begin? Why has it spread so rapidly, and...
What is Enlightenment? Enlightenment is man's release from his self-incurred tutelage. Tutelage is man's inability to make use of his understanding without direction from another. Self-incurred is this...
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was the greatest of German poets, one of the most highly gifted men of the eighteenth century.If the opinion of his contemporaries become the judgment of posterity, the name...
Dans l’aristocratie des fleuves, le Mississippi tient le premier rang. À tous les points de vue, il est très remarquable. C’est un de ceux qui prêtent le plus à l’écrivain et qui offrent le plus d’intérêt...
The one absolute, unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world — the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous — is his dog.A man's dog stands by him...
This book deals with the history of a great musician: Frederic Chopin. What would the piano playing world do without the music of Frederic Chopin? We can hardly think of the piano without thinking of...
Wells defines two divergent types of mind by the relative importance they attach to things past or things to come. The former type he calls the legal or submissive mind, "because the business, the practice...
Ce livre retrace l'histoire de l'architecure française et de ses origines. Des cabanes circulaires faites de troncs d'arbres ou de terre battue, et couvertes d'un cône de chaume ou de roseaux, telles...
La vie de Léonard de Vinci montre que la réflexion et l'imagination ne s'excluent pas nécessairement, qu'un grand artiste peut être un grand scientifique, et que ces facultés contraires, par leur concours,...
Saint-Barthélemy est un îlot rocailleux d’une superficie d’environ 2.114 hectares, situé dans la mer des Caraïbes, à environ 20 kilomètres de Saint-Martin et 200 kilomètres de la Guadeloupe. L’île découverte...
The questions still are asked: What is gravity? What are chemical, electrical, and vital forces? What is the essential nature of matter, energy, and life? There is no oracle to answer.The study of vital...
La quête de l’eau constitue un élément central de la vie des sociétés en milieu aride ou semi-aride. Pour maîtriser la production de ses aliments, l’homme a dû construire son terroir. L’adoption ou la...
هذا الكتاب يأخذ القارئ في رحلة فريدة عبر تاريخ الفن الغنائي في اليمن، كاشفًا عن الأبعاد العميقة لهذا التراث الذي يشكل الهوية اليمنية. يستعرض الكتاب الجذور القديمة للموسيقى اليمنية وتأثير الحضارات العريقة...
Prepare to be captivated by a literary tapestry woven by master storytellers in Short Story Collection Vol. 077. From the enigmatic tales of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to the poignant prose of O. Henry, this...
Immerse yourself in a captivating anthology of 167 poems, meticulously curated from the literary treasures of Walter De la Mare and other renowned poets. This unabridged collection transports you to a...
Prepare to be captivated by a literary tapestry woven by master storytellers in Short Story Collection Vol. 078. From the enigmatic tales of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to the poignant prose of O. Henry, this...
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