Pantalla :
I started disliking him in first grade when he threw a frog at me and called my pig tales stupid.When we were in middle school he called me four eyes and made fun of my freckles. Then in high school he...
Malabarismo - uma combinação cativante de habilidade, concentração e expressão criativa. 'From Beginner to Master of the Flying Arts' é o seu guia completo para aprender esta impressionante habilidade...
Já alguma vez observou a alegria pura de um cão a perseguir um disco voador e a apanhá-lo habilmente no ar? O livro "Adventures in the Air and on the Ground" apresenta-lhe este mundo dinâmico e lúdico...
Have you ever watched the pure joy of a dog chasing after a Frisbee to skillfully snatch it out of the air? 'Adventures in the Air and on the Ground' introduces you to this dynamic and playful world of...
O deslizar suave no asfalto, a velocidade, a liberdade - a patinagem em linha é muito mais do que um desporto. "Aprender a patinar em linha para principiantes" oferece-lhe a introdução ideal a este mundo...
The smooth glide on asphalt, the speed, the freedom - inline skating is much more than just a sport. 'Learning to inline skate for beginners' offers you the ideal introduction to this dynamic world. From...
Poker is much more than just a card game. It is a mixture of strategy, psychology and intuition. 'Poker Training for Beginners: From Bluffing to Royal Flush - The Cards of Success' guides you step by...
O póquer é muito mais do que um simples jogo de cartas. É uma mistura de estratégia, psicologia e intuição. 'Poker Training for Beginners: From Bluffing to Royal Flush - The Cards of Success' guia-o passo...
Have you ever wondered how to throw the perfect dart? Or how the pros manage to focus mentally so that they score even under pressure? 'Darts for Beginners' is your ticket to the fascinating world of...
The world of magic is fascinating and mysterious. 'Learning magic: for beginners and magic pros' serves as your gateway to this wonderful art. Whether you are just learning your first magic tricks or...
O xadrez, o jogo real, tem fascinado pessoas de todas as idades e culturas durante séculos. 'Learn Chess: From Beginner to Chess Master' é o seu guia completo para explorar as profundezas e as complexidades...
Chess, the royal game, has fascinated people of all ages and cultures for centuries. 'Learn Chess: From Beginner to Chess Master' is your comprehensive guide to exploring the depths and intricacies of...
Já alguma vez se interrogou sobre como lançar o dardo perfeito? Ou como é que os profissionais conseguem manter-se mentalmente concentrados o suficiente para marcar pontos sob pressão? "Dardos para Principiantes"...
O mundo da magia é fascinante e misterioso. "Aprender magia: para principiantes e profissionais da magia" é a sua porta de entrada para esta maravilhosa arte. Quer esteja apenas a aprender os seus primeiros...
Rápido, intenso e incrivelmente satisfatório, o squash é um jogo que requer perícia e estratégia. "Aprender Squash: Dicas para Principiantes" é a sua introdução completa a este desporto dinâmico. Desde...
Fast, intense and incredibly satisfying, squash is a game that requires both skill and strategy. 'Learning Squash: Tips for Beginners' is your comprehensive introduction to this dynamic sport. From choosing...
Discover the profound impact of positive thinking with "Positive Mental Affirmations," a transformative guide designed to elevate your mental well-being and lead you on a journey towards a more joyful...
In the "Renewed Beginnings: A Guide to Healing After a Breakup," embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery as we redefine and discover a collection of breakup ideas, paired with entertaining...
Julie, une jeune femme de vingt ans à la beauté rayonnante, se voit récemment assignée à une nouvelle base aérienne. Au sein de son unité, elle rencontre Frédéric. Dans l'éclat de leurs regards croisés,...
A good Christian girl is taken to a swingers party by her husband.
A rhyming tale to remind young children that when a family member or a friend is sick, sending a Get -Well Wish is a nice thing to do. Read along to find out how Malwen, the snail does it with a little...
Space spy Eht Tsoc is on a mission to save Earth from a force unknown to him. But there's one problem: he doesn't remember that he is a space spy sent to save Earth.He forms an alliance with other people...
In the wilds of the barbarian north, Roman slave Margusa meets a warrior enchanted and enslaved by an Elf Queen. To set him free, Margusa must first let go of the monsters within herself. A retelling...
Træd indenfor i et univers af duftende krydderier og nye smagsoplevelser med denne fantastiske kogebog. Du vil blive taget i hånden, og ført gennem opskrifter på kylling, ris og gryderetter, men også...
To escape her memories, Lieutenant Commander Noa Sato accepts a dangerous mission behind enemy lines. She'll need the help of a deadman to pull it off. Takes place before the events of Archangel Down. Originally...
Somewhere in the world, lives the five o'clock pig, who loves to dig... At five o'clock in the morning the sun comes up. It's time for the five o'clock pig to wake up! Oh, how the five o'clock pig loves...
Un livre sur la maladie chronique qu'est Lyme, le parent toxique et la reconstruction.
Los rituales pueden ser una excelente manera de sentirse realizado para cualquiera que crea en esta práctica esotérica. Encontrarás en este libro un apoyo innegable para tu vida material. Este libro está...
Nora, eine junge Frau, hatte zeit ihres Lebens mit Krankheiten zu kämpfen. Ihr Immunsystem war nie besonders stark gewesen. Dennoch meisterte sie alle Lebenslagen mit Bravour. Aber irgendwann war es auch...
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