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Didier Fassin - Books and biography

Didier Fassin (MD, University of Paris; PhD, Social Sciences, EHESS; Habilitation, Public Health, University of Paris; Habilitation, Social Sciences, EHESS) is the James Wolfensohn Professor of Social Science at the Institute foe Advanced Study and Director of Studies at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. He is the author of When Bodies Remember: Politics and Experience of AIDS in South Africa (California, 2007), Humanitarian Reason: A Moral History of the Present (California, 2011), Enforcing Order: An Ethnography of Urban Policing (Polity, 2013), Prison Worlds: An Ethnography of the Carceral Condition (Polity, 2016), and Life: A Critical User's Manual (Polity, forthcoming) and the coauthor of (with R. Rechtman) The Empire of Trauma: An Inquiry into the Condition of Victimhood (Princeton, 2009), (with Y. Bouagga) At the Heart of the State: The Moral World of Institutions (Pluto, 2015), and (with M. Lambek, V. Das, and W. Keane) Four Lectures on Ethics: Anthropological Perspectives (Hau, 2015). A former vice president of Medecins Sans Frontieres, he is currently president of the French Medical Committee for Exiles. He was awarded a 2o18 Distinguished Scientist and Scholar Award from the NOMIS Foundation.


La Force de l'ordre

Poche / Sciences humaines et sociales

Alternatives sociales


Sociología y Política


Singular serie Collège de France

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La fuerza del orden

Released on November 20, 2019
VAT included
Durante las últimas décadas, la policía de numerosos países se convirtió en objeto de debates públicos en relación con abusos de poder, violaciones del derecho, brutalidad y discriminación. Estas prácticas, que en general recayeron sobre hombres jóvenes de sectores populares, dieron... See more

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