Pantalla :
Johnny Brutus has grown suspicious that Zuri Kamau may not be Zuri at all but an imposter! As he dives deeper he finds out that perhaps it isn't a foreign nation who is trying to infiltrate the First...
Nadya Severus, the Roman imposter posing as Zuri Kamau for the Kamau family runs across the one ironic weakness of Roman Terra - sweets! And Johnny Brutus knows how to out her as a possible fraud and...
A quiet coastal town where the main Zwart's Cafe franchise resides is about to be rocked by two tech-savvy hackers. The owner and Matriarch of the franchise Mia Zwart has kept a tight net control over...
Lucius Invictus (Lucius I) has set his eyes on conquering Earth in the name for Roman Terra. Even as he sends his son Titus and two others to assist him. They must overcome their weaknesses in the new...
Archer Blackman was once a notorious pirate, however he was betrayed by his right-hand man Kane Taylor. Now Archer seeks to haunt Kane's descendants, it is up to the friends of the Taylors, particularly...
Cipactil, an indigenous servant of an Aztec priest from the 16th Century finds himself in the middle of the Conquistador conquest of the Aztec Empire! The Conquistadors led by Alasno de la Vega try to...
Gem Sparks, the diamond head tip of Pip Twizzle's wand encourages Pip and Serious Jin to cause trouble in the town of Marca. But after authorities get wind, Gem encourages Pip and Jin to leave for the...
Mia Zwart, the head matriach of the Zwart franchise has returned. She isn't backing down when she has heard of a ransomware issue plaguing Oak Casino. Determined to get to the source of it, she also...
Boris Baturin, a Russian draft dodger finds himself at the center of an espionage tale in the small Alaskan town of Qanir. FSB agents - Genya Baikal and Miron Hauk have been tasked to infiltrate the...
Detective Bishop Flamme is trying to track down Ragnar Aland, a known social media influencer who has abused his privileges as a celebrity. From chasing him through the Everglades to fooling an indigenous...
Betsy Oak, the preteen daughter of Kevin and Violet Oak, owners of Oak Casino has unleashed a ransomware virus by mistake. It was only after a fight between Frank Mach and Steven Ellis over an "apology...
Genya Baikal has returned to Qanir, Alaska to seek revenge against the Bok brothers from her last encounter. Ranging from deceiving the local militia to even exploiting Pavel Bok's rebellious behavior,...
Detective Bishop Flamme is on the case against Ragnar Aland, a notorious social media influencer/celebrity who seeks attention grabbing events. Ragnar decides to assault a series of unsuspecting victims...
Genya Baikal and her partner Miron Hauk of the FSB have been assigned to assist Mayor Qing Yuan Ting of Hong Kong to track down two American nationals - Frederick "Freddy" and Isabelle Cooper. Both have...
Just when Ragnar Aland, the notorious serial assaulter is about to receive justice in court, despite hiring a crafty attorney Alfred England to help him get a lighter sentence - the main suspect disappears...
Pip Twizzle, still under the influence of Gem Sparks is egged on by Gem to head towards the Galeo Palace where dark elf Empress Naesala Tarsis resides. In a desperate effort to stop Gem, the Dusken Mage...
Ivan Zhuk must navigate through a prison, while he does that, those on the outside try to assist in gaining his freedom. Yet Ivan sabotages it every step of the way.
Pip Twizzle finds himself under the influence of Gem Sparks. Gem takes advantage of Pip's naive nature throughout the Toned Kingdom of Gleehaven and towards the neighboring dark elf Kingdom of Galeo....
Welcome to the magical land of Gleehaven, where Pip Twizzle has certainly made a mess of the Toned Castle and destroyed much of King Lionhearted's castle thanks to the discovery of Gem Sparks. The king's...
Set-AI is about to be unleashed onto the world to cause chaos. Thanks to egging on a GRU programmer, Set-AI first unleashes its chaos in Moscow, Russia before being transferred to Chicago, Illinois and...
Dmitri Sokolov has been asked to guard a very special USB drive that his supervisor - Leonid Baranov doesn't trust. However, a voice calls upon Dmitri to try to upload the device, and Dmitri tries the...
Colonel Rex MacManners tries to manipulate two soldiers into his secretive "Knox Sovereign" persona program. Where the soldiers think they're some kind of "super soldier". Soldiers Phoenix Welles and...
Genya Baikal and Miron Hauk have accepted another mission - help Hong Kong control its dissidents. But Mayor Qing Yuan Ting has noticed two particular American nationals are assisting the dissidents...
Did you ever think that anything exciting would happen in a small areas surrounding any of California's bustling highways? Think again! Enter the world of Zwart's Cafe, owned by the Matriarch Mia Zwart!...
Set-AI has decided to leave the Earth where he was created for a new venture in the Sentient Skyscrapers - a world where managers and their cultures are interconnected with the skyscraper itself. But...
Ragnar Aland must elude authorities, from deceiving a Native American reservation, eating alligator eggs and mocking his own online social media audience. Ragnar will do it all! But he has an ace up...
Set-AI soon finds himself in a digital sandbox created by Ra-E, his AI viral rival. Ra-E is determined to keep Set-AI trapped in this digital realm where the two could duke it out in peace without causing...
Genya Baikal has been allowed to be granted citizenship, even while she undergoes the process with the approval of the American Ambassador to China and the Cooper family. However, Mayor Qing Yuan Ting...
Genya Baikal, a seasoned FSB operative finds herself dragged around Hong Kong by Freddy Cooper, an American national who he and his sister Isabelle have been helping out the Hong Kong democracy movement....
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