Laurel McBane a travaillé dur pour réaliser son rêve : devenir pâtissière de renom. Aujourd’hui, ses gâteaux frôlent la perfection, et elle s’ingénie à créer des pièces somptueuses pour l’agence Vœux...
XXVIᵉ siècle. En prenant part aux jeux de la machine dans l’espoir de gagner une place sous le soleil de Vénus, Gilbert Gosseyn découvre qu’il n’est pas l’homme qu’il a toujours cru être. Ses souvenirs...
Jommy Cross, neuf ans, est pourchassé par l’humanité entière, qui a juré sa perte. Car il est un Slan, un mutant télépathe doué de capacités surhumaines. Le dictateur président Kier Gray et son âme damnée,...
À l’autre extrémité de la galaxie, Gilbert Gosseyn se réveille à bord d’un astronef inconnu… et dans un nouveau corps : celui de Gosseyn Trois. Pourtant, il conserve les souvenirs de ses deux précédentes...
Gilbert Gosseyn n’est plus une victime. Grâce à sa maîtrise du Â, il a appris à se servir de son cerveau second et il est bien décidé à démasquer les acteurs d’un obscur complot dont les ramifications...
La vérité dans la fuiteAprès avoir écouté le message énigmatique d'Eshtar, Kad Moon est capturé par les Primanthropes avec la créature bicéphale qui est devenue son compagnon de fortune. Ensemble, ils...
Conscient des mutations de son époque, à l’affût du renouveau théâtral, Jean-Marie Serreau fait connaître Brecht après-guerre et ouvre la voie à Beckett, Ionesco, Genet. Il est le premier à croire en...
Face à un monde d’oppression, elle a choisi son destin…Emprisonnée dans un fragment de l’Arche, Eva est désormais aux mains du peuple du serpent. Là, elle fait la connaissance d'Eshtar, une figure légendaire....
La mondialisation des terrorismesÀ la fin des années 60, la jeunesse étudiante du monde entier est descendue dans la rue, révoltée par une Société injuste et rétrograde. Le Japon ne fait pas exception...
La force de la natureL’U.C.C. Dolores bloqué sur Tishala, Mony a mis ses talents de tireuse d’élite au service du redoutable Sharkis, alias Sans-Peur, chef d’une armée de mercenaires sans foi ni loi....
Le bonheur est dans la fuite1903. Affamée, à bout de force, une jeune femme fuit à travers les Rocheuses canadiennes, sans regarder derrière elle. Que fuit-elle, ou plutôt qui ? À ses trousses, deux brutes...
Dans un monde conformiste, il n’y a pas de place pour les rêveursAu collège, « Le boutonneux » ne brille pas par son bulletin de notes. Au contraire, il fait même partie des pires cancres ! Il rêve d’ouvrir...
– Vous savez ce que mangent les girafes ? me demanda-t-elle. – Non, répondis-je prudemment, en m’essuyant la bouche avec un keffieh traînant sur le divan. Et en me protégeant la jugulaire. C’était...
J’ai été tour à tour la Notre-Dame-des-Pleurs, la gracieuse ignorante, le bon Marceline ou la sainte femme, aux yeux de madame de Launay et d’Anatole France, qui, pour je ne sais quelle raison, m’aimaient,...
FLIRTER AVEC UN COLLÈGUE PASSE ENCORE.FRÉQUENTER SON BOSS ? PLUS Le pire ennemi de Cassie ? Décembre ! Et à priori, cette année non plus, il ne compte pas l'épargner... Non content de balayer la vie de...
Varsovie, 1942. Le major Grau, de la police militaire, enquête sur l'assassinat d'une prostituée polonaise qui était un agent des services de renseignements allemands. Un témoin affirme que le meurtrier...
"Jamais la question du bien et du mal ne m’a taraudé. Jamais la peur de l’interdit ne m’a assailli. En tout cas pas au point de faire machine arrière. Tout était simple et naturel, comme si cela avait...
Blaise Astor s’est défait de sa veste matelassée, l’a tendue au-dessus de lui, elle ferait office de réceptacle. Il s’y casserait les bras, sa musculature insuffisante se disloquerait pour sauver un corps...
Ces poèmes d’Adrienne Rich sont un hommage aux femmes, à la prise de conscience et à la lutte pour l’existence – de l’intime politique. Dans Le Rêve d’un langage commun, la chercheuse Marie Curie, l’artiste...
Captez-vous l'étran... vzzz... fréquence de PTSD Radio ? L'horreur rampe, glisse et se tapit dans le noir. Elle vous ti... dzzz... par les cheveux, elle vous happe comme le vide, elle se transmet comme...
Eijun Sawamura a réussi à intégrer l'équipe de baseball du lycée Seidô. C'est une équipe virtuose, mais il lui manque encore la petite touche qui fera la différence, leur « as ».Le coach Tesshin Kataoka...
Daisy Shoemaker não consegue dormir. Preocupações com a filha adolescente, o marido distante e a falta de uma amizade verdadeira são os causadores da sua insônia. E, apesar de ter um próspero negócio...
Neste volume da aclamada trilogia Os Indomáveis Irmãos MacTaggert, a autora best-seller de romances de época Suzanne Enoch nos presenteia com mais um romance pulsante, recheado com as melhores intrigas...
No final do século XIX, o cervejeiro Léger e sua família franco-argelina chegam a Curitiba, seduzidos pela promessa de uma vida próspera no campo. Ao se estabelecerem na colônia do Bacachery, porém, a...
Uma aventura épica e surpreendente sobre coragem, amizade e redenção!Mesmo com apenas 12 anos de idade, Lily McKinley já sente o peso das dores do mundo, como a exaustão da mãe, a doença da avó, a crueldade...
Sete suspeitos. Duas mortes. Um assassino ainda fazendo um jogo mortal.O último ano no Instituto Ellingham não está indo muito bem para Stevie Bell. Seu namorado, David, está estudando em Londres e seus...
La culminació de la "Trilogia de Corfú", en el centenari de Gerald Durrell.Tan divertit i ple d'encant com La meva família i altres animals i Ocells, bèsties i parents, aquest és el volum final de la...
Una crisi de parella i vital en un futur proper de decadència ecològica.Del guanyador del premi Mercè Rodoreda amb Unes ganes salvatges de cridar.La Nono i el Joel són una parella amb una llarga vida...
La història d’un nen a qui no li deixen ser petit, i lluita cada dia per fer fora les pors i la solitud. En Maic, el narrador d’aquesta història, és un nen a qui li ha tocat fer-se gran abans d’hora:...
Pantalla :
In the charming town of Hope City, twelve-year-old Ray Parker has always felt drawn to the mysterious Hawthorne Mansion that looms at the edge of town. Following in his late father's footsteps as a passionate...
The natural order has fallen.Pieces of the supreme realm Atlas plunge to the surviving realms below. Earth is in anarchy— a new Wild West where every day is a struggle for survival and sanity. The realm...
In the world of internet legends, time traveler John Titor is the ultimate prize.Idealistic filmmaker Ramon Jimenez is stuck shooting mundane reality shows when he longs to create documentaries that change...
Murdered FBI agent Ramona Knox has seen unexplainable things. After befriending a celestial being named Death as a child, their unholy alliance has resulted in the world collapsing to a deadly plague,...
Forewarning when you read this book you will step into Abigales shoes, meaning you will see and feel what she does along with the loss of time. Welcome to the Crossroads Insane Asylum, where a dark past...
--- The Starting Line The apartment smelled of damp wood and yesterday's dinner. A single flickering bulb dangled from the ceiling, casting long shadows on the peeling wallpaper. Michael Carter sat cross-legged...
Grace always thought she was meant to do something more than serve customers, and often wondered what lie beyond the stars.So when she is invited to travel to another realm, avoiding her mother's insistence...
Join Casey Coens as he navigates a year filled with challenges, faith, and unexpected encounters. From helping a girl escape a dark past to supporting a man searching for redemption, Casey's journey is...
Migrations of Butterflies and Lies by J.M. MitchellIn 1765, Capitan Juan Rivera and a company of men left Santa Fe with orders to find a route into what is now Colorado, to look for gold and silver. He...
Dwelling in Darkness Private Investigator Sean T. Dolan is a modern detective, if that adjective may be applied to one who is decidedly a technological throwback. So when this low-tech gumshoe is awakened...
Dans le village d’Aaskell, on adore les prénoms vikings. Sinon ? Sinon rien. On s’y ennuie à mourir. Alors quand Aaskell se réveille un matin et comprend qu’il a été expulsé de son corps, c’est la panique....
Une comptine incontournable revisitée ! Dansons la capucine, y a pas de pain chez nous. Y en a chez la voisine, mais ce n'est pas pour nous. You ! La comptine originale des premières pages prend ensuite...
Une comptine incontournable revisitée ! Dans la forêt lointaine, on entend le hibou. Du haut de son grand chêne, il répond au coucou. La comptine originale des premières pages prend ensuite un drôle...
Et tu n’es pas revenu, de Marceline Loridan-Ivens, est un témoignage essentiel pour la mémoire de la Shoah et l’histoire de la déportation. Paru chez Grasset en 2015, ce livre, écrit avec Judith Perrignon,...
« Le dieu qui est à Delphes ne dit ni ne cache, il indique » me rappelle l’ami… Ne cherchez rien, car il n’y a que des signes qui vous conduiront vers peut-être l’essentiel, la douleur du manque, incomblable,...
2011. Une minute trente après le décollage, l’avion qui devait emmener Nate Phelan au centre de formation de l’armée plonge dans le fleuve Missouri. Miraculeusement, il survit – et sauve sa voisine, Izzy...
The Skull & Laurel returns with its second issue, packed with an abundance of New Weird Literature for you! Featuring stories from Dmitri Akers, Atalanti Evripidou, Cedrick May, Neal Auch, Le Werner,...
Daniel Broderick, a highly skilled sniper, is the only son of General Broderick, the respected Special Forces Commander. Despite Dan's unparalleled abilities, he rejected his father's legacy, vowing never...
Au secours ! Le redoutable Spino a piégé Giganto dans son repaire en créant un éboulement qui bouche l'entrée... Giganto est prisonnier ! Tous les dinos de Crétacia se réunissent pour trouver comment...
LE livre parfait pour celles et ceux qui rêvent d'un compagnon à quatre pattes, ou qui adorent en avoir un ! Avoir un chien, je l’ai souhaité le plus fort du monde, j’en ai rêvé la nuit. Avoir un chien,...
A forty-year journey of revenge comes to an explosive end. Every move Lucien Bouisguard made to destroy the Le Noireau family has been thwarted by fate and time.How is it possible that one family can...
"You are mine, promised to me by the stars themselves…"When Zemira finds herself chained and bound in her father's cell, she knows the only reason she's still alive is because her father intends to use...
Zora je. Uskrs. Eva celu no? nije oka sklopila. Otvara prozor: opor i sladak aprilski južnotirolski vazduh miriše na sneg i smolu. Odjednom zvoni telefon, i sa druge strane žice ?uje se tihi glas ?oveka...
Epska istorijska avantura smeštena u Jevrejsku oblast poslednjih godina Ruskog carstva – izvanredan roman koji je spoj Violiniste na krovu i Kventina Tarantina. Sa reputacijom vilde chaya, divlje životinje,...
Dvanaestogodišnja provincijalka Caca dolazi u Pariz, u posetu svom ekscentri?nom ujaku Gabrijelu, s kojim treba da provede dva dana. Njena najve?a želja jeste da se provoza metroom, ali upada u niz nesvakidašnjih...
He's the treasure I want, it's a shame I'm not his. I've never been the most focussed of guys, I tend to drift, I'm not in any way driven. Of course that means I admire anyone who is. It's hardly surprising...
Hello, genie lovers. I am coming to you live from my magic lamp. I see the CIA is still trying to figure out my location. Good luck because I don't even know.I don't know whom my next master is going...
"You're tougher than a little sting, aren't you?" "Is this how you talk to the animals when you tend to their injuries?"I like her. I like her too much. "I try to avoid their teeth.""So, you don't think...
"Please.""Shh," he lifts my hands into the air. "Hush, little swan." All my life, I loved Derek and now that he is gone, I still do. He survived the war, only to lose his life in one fatal crash. I lost...
The Pirate King took Brier's Mage, and he wants her back.Brier needs Alice and not because she is the chosen Mage that is destined to lead him into becoming the Fifth Elemental God. She is the one, the...
Christina Fairweather needs to get away from her meddling family and dead-end job. Time for a big life change she moves to the small town of Irving Falls. While renovating her new home, an accident nearly...
You are cordially invited to join Beck, Heavenly, and Seth for the epic conclusion of the Heavenly Rising saga, The Commitment, coming soon!The Unbroken Series: Heavenly RisingThe ChoiceThe ChaseThe ConfessionThe...
Book 11 of the Pleasant Hearts & Elliot-Kings Christian Suspense series.She worked for an artist and fought having faith in GOD--until a rich heir whose faith was his anchor saved her dreams. Torn...
Wedding planners plan weddings, not plot ways to kick their worst enemy out of the wedding party. Francis Witt did not sign up for this. Her boss pushed her into being in charge of the Firefighter Wedding...
Falling for your enemy is bad. Lying to him is worse. Continue the adventure when old enemies Francis Witt and Lieutenant Aiden Clarke stop resisting their attraction. Betrayals will happen, secrets will...
From Elizabeth Stevens, writing as E.J. Knox, comes…The King's cleaner. The good girl playing bad girl. And a price not usually paid between stepsiblings. Rowan Finch is a thug. Protected at the top of...
Commitment—a four letter word in Shane Morgan's book. Forsake his blissful wolf bachelorhood to shackle himself to one woman? Hell, might as well neuter him while you're at it. He's avoided the mate bond...
A steamy time travel romance novella. After a series of dating disasters, Karina Martinez swears off dating younger guys. Her new philosophy is put to the ultimate test, however, when she buys a Viking...
Long ago, Morragan's sisters traded her to the God Dagda for powers to defeat the Fomorian army and their leader Balor who'd threatened to destroy their kingdom. She's been trapped in Dagda's never-changing...
I've been with him since the day he saved my life. For centuries he has protected me and trained me to take care of myself. I always figured he would protect me for centuries more. Now, he's dying… An...
After three lifetimes of searching, Eijiro finally finds his long lost love.But Rui knows it's a mistake. They are enemies. She is spying on him.Moreover, there is no such thing as true love. Foxfire...
A Christian Suspense seriesSnatching a child on the way to the school bus was the trigger that set Asia on the hunt for her kidnapper, while danger pursued her too.She Had A Cause is Book 3 in the She...
A Christian Suspense series. Gripping.Award winning series.By USA Today Bestselling Author Joy Ohagwu.Get ready for the gripping next book of a beloved Christian Suspense series.Fifteen year old Robert...
Rafferty EssexGorgeous, ridiculously wealthy, and too smart for my own good—that's how people describe me. To the outside world, I'm the total package. Girls want me, and guys want to be me.If they only...
One Thousand years ago Norse explorers reached North America during the Viking Age.What if they had stayed?Join the adventure as we rewrite history!***Markland Aflame concludes the Markland Settlement...
Lae Ossard: Three Fates RedThe time for battle has finally come and the city will either stand or fall again.Whatever Ossard's fate will be, there is no doubt it will be bloody.But there are other fates...
A CHRISTIAN SUSPENSE SERIESTwenty years have passed and Shalom Zendel, Pete Zendel's daughter, is facing a thwarted threat—or so they'd thought—originally meant for her dad which she'd unintentionally...
A CHRISTIAN MYSTERY, SUSPENSE & ROMANCE SERIES Pete Zendel Jr. is all grown up and about to face the world but a seemingly insurmountable enemy of his dad emerged with one last stand—a violent one....
Christian Inspirational Fiction ACCLAIMED CHRISTIAN INSPIRATIONAL SERIESShe gave him her heart once and he broke it and fled. Now seeking another chance, did he want commitment this time—and will he reveal...
CHRISTIAN INSPIRATIONAL FICTION When his family's preference clashes with his divine purpose, with a single choice, will his next move propel him backward or forward? Yohanna Felix's family worked in a Kentucky...
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