“Ed ecco che Rialto si decise ad alzarsi dal letto. Era sul finire di settembre e il clima lasciava già presagire che l’autunno avrebbe colpito forte”. È così che inizia il romanzo più corale di Alessandro...
Dopo una convivenza di dieci anni finita nel peggiore dei modi, Franco ritorna a Matera, sua città di origine. Il suo scopo è rifarsi una vita, ma il ricordo del tradimento della sua ex continua a tormentarlo....
Dilys Lloyd's life has long been a whirlwind of emotions and unanswered questions. But once your husband leaves you and then your daughter runs off to Australia with your best friend's husband, things...
Over 48,000 words of gripping, enthralling fiction from best-selling writer Connor Whiteley in one amazing collection. Featuring two novellas and 5 short stories from some of his most popular series,...
Remembered Earth Universe CISLUNAR SERIES The Remembered Earth Universe covers the science and technology of the next hundred years, as mankind moves into cislunar space (defined as that space in and...
AudenOpening my own design firm in Lilac Harbor was hard, but things are finally starting to break my way.Then, I meet my new neighbor and the bane of my existence.Wade Collins.He's a grumpy jerk.He's...
A Cheating Husband. A Dead Best Friend. A Job Gone Wrong. PhD student Anna Brown travels to prison to study three women sharing their chilling, gripping, tense experiences of arson. From its shocking...
A Black Deeper Than Death started as a controversial stand-alone dark fantasy mystery and soon became book one of an eleven-book series with nine short stories weaved through it that redefined the genre. This...
He's a prince. She's a bodyguard for the royal family. He's off-limits, but for one night they're breaking all the rules. As an arctic fox-shifter and royal bodyguard, Kira Seaton lives to protect her...
Chasing Avani to BarcelonaAvani, a sweet, loving, Caring of a woman, had built a successful business in Barcelona, escaping the familiar fog of London. But a piece of her heart still belonged there, with...
On a beautiful Spring morning, Mr. H saw more than sunshine and meadow larks on his walk to town... He discovered Peter Kelton's body strapped to the water mill's wheel. And in the tiny town of Dunsworth,...
Alles, was Ben will, ist genug Geld zu verdienen, um sich und seine Brüder in die neue Kolonie in Australien zu schicken.Nach außen hin ist Pamela die perfekte Dame, die ihre Tage damit verbringt, Landschaften...
Between the suffocating heat, the alcoholic father he's still stuck living with, the draft, a mediocre paycheck as a service station attendant, and helping his friends Jamie and Wes take care of their...
Facing an eviction, a job offer and a murder means Cassie Clinton's life is about to change... When my friend Louise gushes about the new Serenity Suites retirement community she's setting up, I'm more...
Faisons du bruit pour faire sortir la plus jeune des écureuils de son lit !
Lying on a lounger outside a flyblown café near Naples, Mike reflects on the last few months. He'd set off for the wedding of the charismatic Al, whose closed community is in the Calder Valley. Three...
A vastidão temática ambitacional de caráter entretenimental dentro da leitura de aspectos dramaturgos é rica. Em contextos abstratos, paralelos aos reais, tomadas de decisões mediante a situações recíprocas;...
Max é um jovem youtuber que deseja explorar o sobrenatural e postar tudo em seu canal. No entanto, durante essa aventura, ele descobre que o sobrenatural, na verdade, é mais desconhecido do que ele imagina...
Um romance ficcional ambientado em 1944, durante os eventos da Segunda Guerra Mundial, com personagens que fazem parte da resistência francesa e lutam bravamente para conseguir ajudar as forças aliadas...
Algumas mulheres amam tão intensamente que vivem naquele limite do amar e do sofrer que muitas vezes já foi retratado por poetas e compositores. Bárbara é uma delas. Chegou a desistir do amor, mas foi...
Dans un futur où la montée des eaux a redessiné l'Europe, le concept d'océan n'existe plus : c'est le Nocéan. Atari et Tika, les deux jeunes activistes traquées par la police de la cité totalitaire dans...
Alors qu'elle se rendait sur son lieu de travail, Sofia, une programmatrice en informatique, se retrouve inexplicablement projetée dans un univers étrange et peuplé de créatures du cyberespace. Très vite,...
Toujours infiltrées sur Bellatrix, une planète « arriérée », Manon et Kim mènent difficilement leur mission, à savoir préserver la planète de l’obscurantisme qui la menace. Alors qu’elles pensaient être...
Novembre 1935. Pessoa vit ses derniers jours. Simão Cerdeira, jeune pigiste au Díario de Lisboa, est chargé de rédiger la nécrologie de cet écrivain dont il ignore tout. L’apprenti journaliste va méticuleusement...
Every ending is a new beginning.Cooper Braaten is closing in on answers and vengeance. With a single minded determination to destroy the Council and finish what was started by his SEALs after the attack...
De verkeerde indruk - Cynthia ZwagemakerLis leest geen boeken en is al helemaal niet bekend met de boekenwereld, maar toch besluit ze haar beste vriendin te hulp te schieten op een boekevent. Lis krijgt...
I was raw iron they put into the furnace, and made shapeless and malleable. Then they poured me into a mould of their own making and by the time they chipped that mould away, I was something horrifying....
À soixante-quatorze ans, Frank Bascombe se porte comme un charme. En dépit d’une vie marquée par les deuils, les échecs et les séparations, cet optimiste invétéré ne désespère pas de trouver le bonheur....
Depuis la maison close qu'elle gère d'une main de fer, Anne Bonny, ancienne pirate des mers du Sud, revient sur sa vie aventureuse... avant que la Mort ne la rattrape.Née bâtarde et pauvre en Irlande,...
IT'S A WILD, WILD, WILD SIXTH WORLD…There are a million stories in the dark, gritty world of Shadowrun, and this all-new volume brings sixteen of the best together for an in-depth look at this dark future...
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