Mark Twain, who was born Samuel L. Clemens in Missouri in 1835, wrote some of the most enduring works of literature of American fiction, including The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. He died in 1910.
Edgar Allan Poe (1809–49) reigned unrivaled in his mastery of mystery during his lifetime and is now widely held to be a central figure of Romanticism and gothic horror in American literature. Born in Boston, he was orphaned at age three, was expelled from West Point for gambling, and later became a well-regarded literary critic and editor. "The Raven," published in 1845, made Poe famous. He died in 1849 under what remain mysterious circumstances and is buried in Baltimore, Maryland.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1859. Before starting his writing career, Doyle attended medical school, where he met the professor who would later inspire his most famous creation, Sherlock Holmes. A Study in Scarlet was Doyle's first novel; he would go on to write more than sixty stories featuring Sherlock Holmes. He died in England in 1930.
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) nació en una familia humilde de Dublín. A los diecinueve años entró a trabajar como secretario del político inglés William Temple. Se trasladó a Inglaterra y con él permaneció diez años en los que siguió formándose y se ordenó sacerdote. A la muerte de Temple entró al servicio del conde de Berkeley y se hizo cargo de algunas parroquias irlandesas. En 1701, ya doctor en Teología, publicó anónimamente su primer panfleto político. Le seguirían muchos otros textos, sobre todo satíricos, con los que se ganó poderosos enemigos como la propia reina Ana. Criticó ferozmente el interés de la sociedad por lo material, la hipocresía religiosa y, en general, todo lo que consideró los males propios del ser humano. Su obra maestra fue sin duda Los viajes de Gulliver, que tuvo que dar a luz bajo seudónimo en 1726.
William Morris (1834-1896) fut imprimeur, poète, écrivain, peintre, conférencier, dessinateur, architecte et activiste socialiste. Ses livres ont durablement influencé la littérature fantastique anglaise.
Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) was the third son of a barrister, who ruined his family by giving up the law for farming, and an industrious mother. After attending Winchester and Harrow, Trollope scraped into the General Post Office, London, in 1834, where he worked for seven years. In 1841 he was transferred to Ireland as a surveyor's clerk, and in 1844 married and settled at Clonmel. His first two novels were devoted to Irish life; his third, La Vendée, was historical. All were failures.
After a distinguished career in the GPO, for which he invented the pillar box and travelled extensively abroad, Trollope resigned in 1867, earning his living from writing instead. He led an extensive social life, from which he drew material for his many social and political novels.
The idea for The Warden (1855), the first of the six Barsetshire novels, came from a visit to Salisbury Close; with it came the characters whose fortunes were explored through the succeeding volumes, of which Doctor Thorne is the third.
Garrett Putman Serviss (1851-1929)
Garrett Putman Serviss was an American astronomer and early science fiction writer. He was born in upstate New York and majored in science at Cornell University. He also studied law at Columbia University although he never worked as an attorney, instead becoming a journalist for The New York Sun in 1876. At the end of 1897, Serviss was commissioned to write an unofficial sequel to an equally unofficial 1897 revision of H. G. Wells' The War of the Worlds which set the action in America. Edison's Conquest of Mars first appeared in the New York Evening Journal as "The Conquest of Mars".
For more information see
La autora es sobre todo conocida por este título, que creó con apenas 18 años y cuando se encontraba de vacaciones en compañía de otros amigos e intelectuales. Lord Byron, el anfitrión, propuso entonces un concurso literario: cada invitado debía escribir una historia con tintes sobrenaturales. De aquí surgió nuestro famoso Frankenstein, germen de la novela gótica y de terror, pero que Shelley no volvería a cultivar. El resto de su obra transitó entre el ensayo biográfico, la literatura de viajes o la novela histórica (Valperga, Perkin Warbeck) y la apocalíptica (El último hombre).
Título : Sci-Fi Box Set: 140+ Dystopian Novels, Space Adventures & Lost World Classics
EAN : 8596547754695
Editorial : DigiCat
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