Pantalla :
They took up where of their sex manuals leave off...
Stabilirea cauzelor morţii constituie unul din aspectele foarte rar abordate în literatura medicală, până acum fiind urmărită mai ales clarificarea unor aspecte procedurale privind declararea decesului...
Le punk n’est pas une musique. Pas un look. C’est un état d’esprit. Mais quand est-il né ? Ce livre raconte l’explosion de ce bouillonnement créatif, en retraçant le parcours de grands précurseurs du...
Michael Zabinsky is an iconoclastic science teacher with a revolutionary zeal to enrich the lives of his pupils and create a better world. Driven by the idealism of youth as a volunteer in 1970s Botswana,...
Une réflexion personnelle d’une puissance hors du commun sur les questions raciales, culturelles et identitaires. En tant qu’Aborigène, Stan Grant a dû faire face toute sa vie à l’héritage raciste de...
Qui donc est Dieu ? Où est ton Dieu ? Nombre de jeunes reprennent à l'envi cette interrogation plus actuelle que jamais.De quel Dieu les athées sont-ils athées ? C'est la question que pose ici Stan Rougier....
From the author of the internationally acclaimed Orcs series comes a powerful new epic fantasy filled with spectacular magic, action, adventure and political intrigue. In the land of Bhealfa...
Les « alevins » sont surexcités : pour leur douze ans, l'institution qui les a placés en famille d'accueil leur paye un vol vers de super vacances ! Malheureusement, leur avion s'écrase au-dessus de la...
À partir de l’abondant matériau accumulé pour sa série documentaire Le Temps des paysans, diffusée sur Arte au printemps 2024, Stan Neumann invite le lecteur à parcourir quinze siècles d’histoire de la...
Ce livre s'adresse en priorité à ceux qui ne souhaitent pas prier dans la monotonie. Dans l'introduction de ces variations sur les Psaumes, Stan Rougier raconte que Saint-Exupéry avait composé une prière...
Les religions n'ont pas pour vocation de nourrir des discordes mais, au contraire, de relier les hommes (religare). Le Coran invite à rivaliser vers le bien (Sourate 5). Les Livres de la Première Alliance...
lire ses souvenirs d'enfance lumineux ou douloureux et la gense tumultueuse de sa vocation sacerdotale, on comprend pourquoi Stan Rougier est l'un des prtres les plus couts par les jeunes. Car les questions...
I never really believed in the myth that the women in my family could tell which colors of a man's aura were joined to his emotions, until Magesty Yoll, Master of Arete, walked into the large ballroom...
The alien Ragoon have conquered Earth with almost no opposition. They impose strict rules concerning property management. The problem is that they have made one gender slaves of the other gender. Guess...
Who would send their fourteen-year-old daughter to a summer camp that preached sexual abstinence and taught various methods of birth control? Kathy's parents, that's who. Kathy is fine with abstinence,...
This is the second volume of my short stories and other material. The stories contain elements of romance, science fiction, and fantasy, and the book includes some of my poetry. Especially notable are...
Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery with "The Introspection Journal." Spread across 365 days, each prompt is thoughtfully crafted to guide you deeper into understanding the intricate...
Dive into a transformative exploration of the self with "Mirrors to the Soul", your comprehensive guide to the art and practice of deep self-reflection. This thoughtfully curated journey traces self-awareness...
In a world rife with challenges, how did some individuals rise above their obstacles while others succumb to them? Dive deep into the minds, hearts, and souls of the world's most resilient figures and...
Stan KARKO décide de livrer ses "maux" à travers les "mots" couchés au fil de sa vie et glanés les chemins de traverse arpentés. Ce livre propose un éclairage sur les grandes thématiques de l'existence...
Unleash your potential as an instructional technologist with Strategies for Success. This guide offers potent strategies, expert advice, and actionable insights for advancing your career. Learn to harness...
An alien who is secretly working with the government goes rogue to save mankind.
Genocide is complicated and messy and it requires the efforts of many people, some willing some not. Find your victims - not easy without the help of the locals. Transport them in horrible conditions,...
In Evernote: A Success Manual for College Students, Stan Skrabut capitalizes on his decades of experience in higher education as an educator and student to share a tool that will help you become more...
A series of discrete episodes among friends provide snapshots of one gay man's life. There are parties, concerts, dinners with everyday life – and death – interwoven in the rich story-telling. An actress,...
Like bookends, Skydiving in Christopher Street returns to the characters and bustle of New York a few years after Mountain Climbing in Sheridan Square. Stan Leventhal paints a picture of Christopher Street...
I make no secret of the fact that the title of this book was inspired by the title of another book – Chicken Soup for the Soul. The corporate world can be a soulless place and in sharing this collection...
Of the millions of creatures that share the earth with us, few are more beloved than the dolphins. Throughout history, dolphins have played a significent role in shaping our philosophy and helping us...
Keiko, the star of the Free Willy movie series, was the first killer whale to be released from captivity back to the wild, and as such became a pioneer for future killer whale releases, which, in my opinion,...
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