Pantalla :
The Power of Darkness: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries encompasses an extensive and diverse array of narratives, bringing together the sinister, the uncanny, and the unexplained...
SINISTER OMENS: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries stands as a monumental anthology that weaves together the intricate threads of horror, the paranormal, and the uncanny...
Beware The Silence: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries is a monumental anthology that showcases the evolution and diversity of horror and supernatural literature. Spanning...
The Horror Beyond Life's Edge: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales is a literary journey that transcends the commonplace, delving into the realms of the macabre, the supernatural,...
e-artnow presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: Supernatural Horror in Literature by H. P....
e-artnow presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: Edgar Allan Poe: The Masque of the Red Death...
Tradução de Paulo Faria. Prefácio de Hélia Correia. «Poucas obras tiveram tempo de concepção tão prolongado como Wuthering Heights que, na verdade, deve ter nascido no dia em que nasceu Emily Brontë....
O MORRO DOS VENTOS UIVANTES é o único romance de Emily Brontë. Escrito entre outubro de 1845 e junho de 1846, O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes foi publicado em 1847 sob o pseudônimo de “Ellis Bell”; Brontë...
WUTHERING HEIGHTS is Emily Brontë’s only novel. Written between October 1845 and June 1846, Wuthering Heights was published in 1847 under the pseudonym “Ellis Bell”; Brontë died the following year, aged...
Cumbres borrascosas es la única novela de Emily Brontë. Escrita entre octubre de 1845 y junio de 1846, Cumbres borrascosas se publicó en 1847 bajo el seudónimo de «Ellis Bell»; Brontë murió al año siguiente,...
Cime tempestose è l'unico romanzo di Emily Brontë. Scritto tra l'ottobre 1845 e il giugno 1846, Cime tempestose fu pubblicato nel 1847 con lo pseudonimo di “Ellis Bell”; la Brontë morì l'anno successivo,...
„STURMHÖHE“ ist der einzige Roman von Emily Brontë. ‚Wuthering Heights‘ wurde zwischen Oktober 1845 und Juni 1846 geschrieben und 1847 unter dem Pseudonym ‚Ellis Bell‘ veröffentlicht. Brontë starb im...
Les Hauts de Hurlevent est le seul roman d'Emily Brontë. Écrit entre octobre 1845 et juin 1846, Les Hauts de Hurlevent a été publié en 1847 sous le pseudonyme d'« Ellis Bell » ; Brontë est morte l'année...
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